Fruit Fly Culture

Fruit fly culture is a nutritious and cost-effective way to provide food for your pet reptiles, amphibians, or other insectivorous animals.

Fruit Fly Culture


  • Fruit fly culture media
  • Fruit fly culture container
  • Fruit fly culture starter culture


  1. Prepare the fruit fly culture media according to the instructions provided.
  2. Add the fruit fly culture starter culture to the prepared media.
  3. Place the culture container in a warm, dark area and allow the fruit flies to develop.
  4. Once the culture is established, harvest the fruit flies by tapping them into a separate container.
  5. Feed the harvested fruit flies to your pet reptiles, amphibians, or other insectivorous animals.

Cooking & Preparation

Preparation time:
15 minutes
Cooking time:
Cook time: N/A
Total time:
15 minutes
Cooking method
No cooking required

Nutritional facts per 1 serving

High in protein
Low in fat
Rich in vitamins and minerals


Fruit fly culture media Fruit fly culture container Fruit fly culture starter culture



Serving suggestions

Serve the fruit flies as a nutritious treat for your pets.

Tips & tricks

Store the fruit fly culture in a warm and dark environment to promote healthy growth of the fruit flies.


Estimated cost: Varies